Tuesday, 12 November 2013


Evan is home from school today insisting that he is sick.  he doesn't look too bad to me, but his mate had some bug that had him off school for a few days and Evan is convinced that he has it too. It consists of upset tummy, headaches, general body aches, sore throat and runny nose.  Harry has decided that he's coming down with it too as he went off to school with a headache today. I gave him a dose of Nurophen and told him to call me if he got worse. Steve was complaining about aches and is a tad nervous as he has to fly to Sydney tomorrow for a job interview.  He doesn't want to be sick for that. I feel fine, Ellie seems fine and Sarah left at 6 this morning for a volleyball competition in Byron Bay.  I am assuming she's fine too.  I always find that the path of disease as it spreads through the family is slightly different each time.  A different mix of people seem to catch it, and a different person gets it worse than the others.  Usually, the pattern is that one gets it quite bad, one doesn't get it at all and the rest inevitably catch a slightly less virulent version over the ensuing days.

The other pestilence Evan visited on us today is a very annoying piece of malware that he downloaded onto my computer last night.  I have spent all day removing programmes, doing scans and removing shortcuts to get rid of the bugger.  So annoying and frustrating to have your computer hijacked.  I think he's banned from this computer from now on.

The last great pestilence epidemic that Evan visited upon the family was back in 2002 when he brought home chicken pox. Harry was a babe in arms so was spared the disease due to being protected by my immunity as I had already had chicken pox when I was a child.

Sarah, succumbed next followed by Steve with each successive victim getting a worse dose than the last. I must admit that I wasn't the most sympathetic to everyone's plight as I found the whole thing quite amusing.  They were dreadfully uncomfortable and I sat there perfectly comfortable, feeling like I had super powers as my immunity protected me.

 A few years after the event I wrote a couple of  children's stories about them.

No Spots For Harry


Evan came home from Preschool one day with a few spots on his skin.



“Mmmmm”, thought Mummy, “they look like they might be chicken pox”.


She wasn’t sure because she hadn’t seen any chicken pox since she had had them when she was four.


That was a long time ago.


She remembered that they were very itchy and that she had had a lot more spots than Evan had.



Two weeks later, Sarah who was a little older than Evan, came out in quite a lot of spots.


“Yes”, thought Mummy, “They must be chicken pox”.



Daddy started to worry.  He couldn’t remember whether he had had chicken pox when he was little or




He rang up Ninny and Pa.  But they couldn’t remember either.



Two days after Sarah broke out in spots, Daddy who is a lot older than Sarah and Evan, broke out in


loads and loads of spots.  Really itchy spots. 


From his head to his toes and everywhere in between.


He was miserable!



Although Sarah and Evan were feeling a little itchy themselves they couldn’t help thinking that Daddy


looked very funny.



There was one other person in the family who had not yet come out in any spots.


Mummy, Daddy, Sarah and Evan waited and wondered whether Harry, the youngest in the family at


only six months, would get any spots.


But Harry, who liked to snuggle up and breastfeed happily in Mummy’s arms didn’t get any spots at





Because Mummy had already had chicken pox as a child she couldn’t get them again.  She had an


immunity to them.  It was this immunity that she passed to Harry through her breastmilk.  Harry was


protected from chicken pox because he was breastfed.



Harry and Mummy being so healthy, looked after the rest of the family.


Evan had a few little itches so on went the calamine lotion.  That helped him a lot.



Sarah had lots of itches so on went the calamine lotion.  But it didn’t help enough.


So she got into the bath as well.  That helped a lot.



Daddy was beside himself with itches.  Every spot from the top of his head to the tip of his big toe


itched – especially  the one right on the end of his nose!


On went the calamine lotion.  It didn’t help at all.


So into the bath he went.  But that didn’t help either!



So he went off to see the doctor.  But even the doctor couldn’t help him very much.  Poor Daddy!


The Doctor said that Daddy had to try not to scratch and wait for his spots to get better.



It was a long few weeks.


And Daddy did eventually get better.......



All  except for that one spot that left a scar right on the end of his nose!


Here is version 2

No Spots For Me!


SpotsOne day Evan came home from preschool with a few         . 


Mmmm, ‘thought mummy they look like they might be the dreaded chicken pox.’ 


We hadn’t had any chicken pox in our young family yet. 


Spots2 weeks later Sarah who was a little older than Evan came out with quite a few         . 


Daddy started to worry.  He couldn’t remember whether he had got the chicken pox as a kid. 


Mummy well remembered having chicken pox as a child.  ‘Ooh it was so itchy.’ 


Two days after Sarah broke out in

Spots        , Daddy who is alot older than Evan or Sarah, broke out in ALOT of spots.  He was miserable. 


SpotsThere was one other person in the family who had not had chicken pox yet.  Harry, the youngest in the family at only 6 months didn’t get any          at all. 


So while Harry was breastfed from mummy they were both protected fromthe dreaded                                           

Spots        .  Harry and mummy looked after the rest of the family. 


Evan had a few little itches. 

So on went the cream. 

Sarah had lots of itches.

So into the bath with her.


Daddy was beside himself with itches.  He was covered from head to toe including the one right on the end of his nose.


Daddy was frustrated. 


SpotsAfter a week the dreaded          started to fade away. 

Still mummy and Harry did not get those dreaded itches. 


After 2 weeks it was back to normal and they lived happily ever after. 

There is a postscript to this story.

Although we thought that Harry was immune from catching the chicken pox virus, some years later, when he was around 4 years old, he came down with shingles. This was an odd occurrence in a four year old, particularly one who'd never actually had chicken pox.  As it was an oddity we were sent to a paediatrician to have a look at him and check that all was well.  The specialist conformed that it was indeed rare, but not unheard of for Harry to get shingles at such a young age.  The specialist concluded that Harry obviously got a subclinical dose of chicken pox when he was a baby, and this virus had laid dormant in his body until he came down with shingles.  He also told us that Harry would not need to be immunised for chicken pox as he now had his own natural immunity to it.

That sounded great, except that two weeks after presenting with shingles, Harry came down with chicken pox. I didn't spend the $100 plus to go back to the specialist and show him that Harry had managed to catch chicken pox off himself.  I'm sure he would have presented as a very special oddity, but I didn't want to foot the bill to show the paediatrician, so he shall remain  a medical obscurity.

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