Monday 25 June 2007

Farewell Darwin

Our time was rapidly coming to an end in Darwin.  We felt like we had been holed up there for quite long enough and it was time to get this family trip back on the road.
Before we left we looked through the amazing Darwin museum.  It took us 3 goes to see it all.

Saturday 23 June
Recipe seen at the museum from an old wartime women's weekly

Mock Sausages
1 cup of rolled oats
2 cups of salted water
boil these together for 15 minutes.
add 1 finely chopped onion
add herbs to taste
add 1 cup of bread crumbs
shape into sausages
roll in flour
fry in hot oil.

I will have to try this on my elf children

Sarah and Evan after reading Eragon decided that they were going to become vegetarians like the Elves in the book.  I did try to make the sausages, and lets just say they sound far more tasty than they actually were.  Perhaps if we were starving with war time rations, they'd be ok, but they are no decent replacement for meat, that's for sure.

Sunday 24 June

We went to the beach - this will be the last time for a long time.
We visited the museum again.  Finally I feel like we have seen everything - it took 3 goes!
Good thing that it was free.
We did our grocery shopping to top up supplies.
Cooked seasoned chicken pieces and roast vegies in the camp oven on gas stove. Yummy.

Monday 25 June

Harry made a wonderful friend at the caravan park called Eddie.  They are travelling Oz for around 18 months while their house is built.

Bye Bye Darwin, we are off to Kakadu......

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