Monday 14 October 2013

Fires around Coffs

I went for a drive today and got a surprise as I approached Nana Glen. Over in the distance the whole ridge stretching from Nana Glen to Glenreagh was billowing smoke.  It looked like a line of volcanoes.

I took these photos from two places along Bucca Road.

From Bucca Road just outside Nana Glen Primary school

Over Mandy's back fence a bit further along
 Bucca Road.

Steve has been working on this fire in the incident control room since last Wednesday.  He has been working 12 hour shifts and is feeling quite exhausted. Interestingly, he hasn't actually seen the fire.  He's been managing it through radio communication with men on the ground and plotting information on maps.  I thought that he might enjoy actually seeing photos of the fire that he has been so immersed in over the past week.

This fire is burning right along this ridge and smoke extends beyond the frame of this photo to the left.  It stretches all the way to the escarpment above Glenreagh.

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