Monday 11 November 2013

School daze photos

It's funny how I think that I have done a good job at collecting the kids yearly school photos. Yet when I actually went to collect them all into one place there seems to be a few years missing. Obviously, whatever safe spot I put them in is still not ready to yield up its treasure quite yet.  I often find I have to actually be looking for something else before I find what I was looking for a few days ago.

My sister has this really cool display of her children's school photos on the wall, in order (I'm pretty sure she has matching sizes as well) all the way from Kindy to end of high school.  I thought that would be a cool thing to do too, so I have been saving school photos for years. Well, so I thought.  I was going to compare the kids' photos in each year of school, starting of course with kindergarten.  The only problem is, I am missing Sarah's Kindy photo. I do have her year 1 photo, but not Harry's year one photo. Moving onto to year two. I do have all three year 2 photos, but Sarah's seems to be a joint shot with Evan. Obviously, that year I decided that rather than do individual photos I would get sibling photos.  Or maybe I did get individual shots too, but have mislaid them, which is entirely possible.
Year 2

Harry, Evan, and Sarah

My problem is that I am a hoarder, but a disorganised hoarder.  I hold onto stuff with the best of intentions, but don't store or catalogue them properly. So when the time comes to actually do something with my hoardings I am faced with frustration at not being able to carry out my original intentions.

Year three seems to be missing Evan's individual photo, so I have to move forward to year 4 where I have all three of them again.
Year 4
Sarah, Harry, and Evan
Two years out of their primary school years isn't too bad, well, it could be better.  I just need to mis-locate something else and while searching for it I may come across the lost years, fingers crossed.

Sarah years 1 to 4

Evan in Kindergarten, years 1,2 and 4

Harry in Kindergarten, years 2,3 and 4

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