Sunday 13 May 2007

Lost Cities

We only spent the one night at Borroloola before we packed up camp and headed to Cape Crawford.  We stopped along the way at a nature reserve to go on a walk and have a look at these fabled lost cities.  They were huge sandstone formations that looked very impressive.  They totally dwarfed us as we walked through them.  They were formed by sediment build up and compaction when the area was a sea many millions of years ago.

We fuelled up the car at Cape Crawford, Heartbreak Hotel.  Another roadhouse that was the stuff of legend, but still there was no alcohol to be had here either.

We got back on the Savannah Way and bounced our way through Limmen National Park (proposed) to Butterfly Springs.  It has a lovely waterfall, but loads and loads of mosquitoes.  It's a freeby, though, so we decided to camp 2 nights here.

Sunday saw us celebrate mothers' day with masses of mosquitoes that were, quite frankly, driving us crazy.  Such a shame for such a beautiful spot.  The car got a flat tyre here too.  We are quite aways from civilisation and being able to get it fixed quite yet.

We visited the Southern Lost City, another amazing place. We tried to get into the western Lost City but the road was too rough.  We needed to have started earlier in the day to make it all the way as the going was so slow.

Evan's Diary Entry:

Lost City

Today we're at the lost city.
When we were at the lost city I went ahead and got a big idea for my story as well as lots of little ideas for my story.
When I finished the bush walk I waited about 2 minutes before mum came back.
Then we waited 10 more minutes before Sarah came back.
The another 5 minutes for dad and Harry.
The southern lost city was quiet and it was very lost too.

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